1. Unsuccessful

    Sister had cancer surgery December 18th.

    • 0.00% Funded
    • $0.00 Pledged
    • Campaign has ended
  2. Unsuccessful

    Sister had cancer surgery December 18th.

    • 0.00% Funded
    • $0.00 Pledged
    • Campaign has ended
  3. I found the cat today at Walmart Neighborhood Market she’s about 6 weeks or less weeks old she has an infected paw and nose I’m raising money to take her to the vet and get her the care that she needs I would love to keep her but only if I am able to afford her to get better if not I’m going to have to give her to a shelter and I really don’t want to idiom out will help today was the very first day that she’s ever been touched by a humid and she already loves cuddles and scratches I cleaned her wounds and gave her a flea bath and she finally ate something but I really need to take her to the vet and clear the infection in her body please donate anything and if you can’t please share

  4. Unsuccessful

    Ayuda a Guatemala Mi meta de colectar fondo para ayudar a nuestros Hnos más afectados en Guatemala esta donación será para comprar – Alimentos – Kit de Higiene – Medicina – Kid de limpieza – Pañales de bebé, toallas sanitarias – ETC Todo esto será llevado directamente a las personas afectadas en este desastre natural lo más pronto posible

    • 0.00% Funded
    • $0.00 Pledged
    • Campaign has ended